24 research outputs found

    Истражување за ефикасноста на генерирање код со GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) за задачи во софтверското инженерство

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    Брзиот напредок на моделите за машинско учење кои користат обработка на природен јазик предизвика интерес за нивната потенцијална примена за генерирање код во областа софтверското инженерство. Оваа теза ја испитува ефикасноста на GPT (Генеративен претходно-трениран трансформер) моделите во автоматизирањето на задачите за кодирање, оценувајќи го нивниот потенцијал за подобрување на ефикасноста, точноста и квалитетот на кодот. Студијата вклучува длабинска анализа на моделите базирани на GPT, вклучувајќи ги GPT-3.5 и GPT-4, и ги оценува нивните перформанси врз различни програмски јазици и задачи. Таа користи квалитативни и квантитативни мерки и увиди базирани на анкети за да обезбеди сеопфатна проценка за ефикасноста на овие модели во генерирањето код. Првичните наоди сугерираат дека иако GPT моделите покажуваат потенцијал за производство на точен, синтаксички прецизен код за добро специфицирани задачи, нивната ефикасност се намалува кога се соочуваат со двосмислени или сложени описи на задачи. Овие резултати ги истакнуваат и можностите и ограничувањата на алатките за генерирање код базирани на GPT, што укажува на потребата за пософистицирани модели способни да се справат со сложеноста на софтверското инженерство. Истражувањето, исто така, ги истражува импликациите на генерирањето код засновано на GPT врз работните текови на софтверското инженерство, дискутирајќи ги можните промени во улогите на софтверските инженери. Анализиран е потенцијалот овие алатки за вештачка интелигенција да извршуваат секојдневни задачи, со што ќе им се овозможи на инженерите да се фокусираат на дизајн на високо ниво и на стратегиско одлучување. Истовремено, се анализираат предизвиците, вклучително и неопходноста од 4 темелно тестирање и верификација на кодот генериран со овие алатки и потенцијалните етички импликации на вештачката интелигенција во развојот на софтверот. Оваа студија придонесува за разбирање на практичните апликации и ограничувањата на ВИ во развојот на софтвер и изгледите за подобрување. Се потврдува дека иако моделите базирани на GPT покажуваат значителен потенцијал во автоматизирањето на специфичните аспекти на софтверското инженерство, човечкиот придонес и надзорот остануваат клучни за справување со сложени, креативни и двосмислени задачи. Клучни зборови: Вештачка интелигенција, машинско учење, обработка на природни јазици, автоматско програмирање, квалитет на код, ефикасност на работниот тек, етика во вештачката интелигенција

    Dendritic spine loss deep in the neocortex and dendrite distortion with diffusion disturbances occur early in experimental pneumococcal meningitis.

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    INTRODUCTION Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) meningitis is a serious disease with substantial lethality and long-term disability in survivors. Loss of synaptic staining in the superficial layers of the neocortex in rodent models and in humans, and pneumolysin (a major pneumococcal toxin)-dependent dendritic spine collapse in brain slices have been described. It remains unclear how deep in the neocortex more discrete changes are present, how soon after disease onset these changes occur, and whether other properties of dendrites are also affected. METHODS Using a mouse model of pneumococcal meningitis, we studied changes in the neocortex shortly (3-6 h) after the onset of clinical symptoms via modified Golgi-Cox silver staining. RESULTS Dendritic changes were present in areas with otherwise unchanged cell numbers and no signs of necrosis or other apparent neuronal pathology. Mature dendritic spines were reduced in the pyramidal neurons running through layers 1-5. Additionally, spine morphology changes (swelling, spine neck distortion), were also observed in the deeper layers 4 and 5 of the neocortex. Immature spines (filopodia) remained unchanged between groups, as well as the dendritic arborization of the analyzed neurons. In a third of the animals with meningitis, massive mechanical distortion of the primary dendrites of most of the pyramidal neurons through layers 1-5 was observed. This distortion was reproduced in acute brain slices after exposure to pneumolysin-containing bacterial lysates (S. pneumoniae D39 strain), but not to lysates of pneumolysin-deficient bacteria, which we explain by the tissue remodeling effect of the toxin. Experimental mechanical dendrite distortion in primary neural cultures demonstrated diminished FRAP diffusion of neuronally-expressed enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), indicative of disturbed dendritic diffusion. DISCUSSION Our work extends earlier knowledge of synaptic loss in the superficial cortical layers during meningitis to deeper layers. These changes occurred surprisingly early in the course of the disease, substantially limiting the effective therapeutic window. Methodologically, we demonstrate that the dendritic spine collapse readout is a highly reliable and early marker of neural damage in pneumococcal meningitis models, allowing for reduction of the total number of animals used per a group due to much lower variation among animals

    The Use of Augmented Reality in Geometry Teaching

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    Digital media nowadays create new ways to teach, learn and interact. Prospective teachers are using technology to transfer their knowledge in a more interesting and accessible way, while at the same time making students more engaged and motivated. AR, as a technology, has the potential to be an effective learning tool in formal and informal learning environments. This paper, present the development of the AR application for geometry teaching for primary school students. By augmenting the student’s vision we enhance their ability to visualize what they are trying to learn. With the developed AR application, they can learn to make the differences between 2D and 3D shapes and how they relate to one another. The designed application is built using a WebAR-based approach and marker-based detection technology

    Electrodelivery of Drugs into Cancer Cells in the Presence of Poloxamer 188

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    In the present study it is shown that poloxamer 188, added before or immediately after an electrical pulse used for electroporation, decreases the number of dead cells and at the same time does not reduce the number of reversible electropores through which small molecules (cisplatin, bleomycin, or propidium iodide) can pass/diffuse. It was suggested that hydrophobic sections of poloxamer 188 molecules are incorporated into the edges of pores and that their hydrophilic parts act as brushy pore structures. The formation of brushy pores may reduce the expansion of pores and delay the irreversible electropermeability. Tumors were implanted subcutaneously in both flanks of nude mice using HeLa cells, transfected with genes for red fluorescent protein and luciferase. The volume of tumors stopped to grow after electrochemotherapy and the use of poloxamer 188 reduced the edema near the electrode and around the subcutaneously growing tumors


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    Anatomy is the foundation of medicine. Practical anatomy education at Medical Universities is usually performed on cadaveric material. The proper conservation of biological material is important not only for the quality of medical education but also for the health of both students and lectors. Von Hagens offers plastination – a modern conserving method for long-time preservation of anatomical structures. The three basic techniques used in plastination are: S10, P40, and E12. In the present work we offer a comparison between them as well as tips from our practice, which can be useful for beginner plastinators


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    It has been proposed, that the very first therapeutic methods involved applying pressure or needling painful spots on the body surface. Ancient antropomorphic figurines and drawings, showing markings on the body, have been found. Those markings could be interpreted as special points, body painting, piercings, scarification, tattoos, or needling spots. In the present study we discuss the possibility that such historical therapeutic methods have given rise to the acupuncture. We study possible methods of skin intervention, we compare ancient tools and juxtapose the spots, in which modern acupuncture intervenes – the biologically active points (BAP). During acupuncture, needles of various materials (stone, bone, wood or metal) are temporarily inserted in specific points of the body. Body piercing and tattooing are contemporary used ancient methods, spread all over the world. We presume, that they could have been used not only ritualistically, but also as a therapeutic modality. Ancient mummies show tattoos in the form of lines, dots, or circles, often placed in BAP. Furthermore, it could be assumed, that they were therapeutically applied, since the tattooed individuals suffered from ailments, coinciding with the placement of tattoos in an attempt of treatment. Many historically used instruments that could be used in body piercing and tattooing, resemble the contemporary tools of acupuncture, points of application of tattoos and needles are also closely associated. In the present paper we presume, that different healing methods could have existed simultaneously for a long time. We also discuss the probability of acupuncture being a derivative of ancient methods of superficial skin intervention, such as tattooing and body piercing


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    Ever since its existence was suggested by Ernst Gräfenberg in the 1940s, the eponymous G-spot remains a controversial topic among anatomists, gynecologists, sexual medicine specialists, and self-proclaimed sexologists. Its assumed localization on the anterior vaginal wall, 50 to 80 mm from the introitus, has been established predominantly relying on self-report, questionnaires, and vaguely reasoned functional tests, all contributing toward the notion that a functionally important for the female orgasm zone indeed exists on the anterior vaginal wall. Despite those statements are not based on the proven fact of the presence of a discrete anatomical structure, numerous reports have speculated about possible muscular, vascular, and even neural peculiarities of the region, contributing to its functional importance. However, even though the distal anterior wall of the vagina is a highly sensitive area, included in the morphofunctional clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex, the existence of the G-spot as a separate morphological entity is yet to be proven. The present report reviews the reports regarding the morphological essence of the G-spot and summarizes the available data on the anatomy of the anterior vaginal wall

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Impregnation is an essential part of mummification

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    A contemporary prospective experiment, recreating ancient Egyptian practice, demonstrates morphological alterations during mummification. However, in order to emulate the process from antiquity, the conclusive step of mummification – impregnation – has to be taken into account. The present commentary gives a perspective on this topic

    Using antifibrinolytics to tackle neuroinflammation

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    Plasmin is generally known as a promotor of inflammation. Recent advancement suggests that it has a complex role as immunity modulator. Pharmacological inhibition of plasmin production and activity has been proven to improve neurological outcomes in traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage, most probably by preventing re-bleeding. The immune-modulatory properties of antifibrinolytics, however, suggest that they probably have effects unrelated to fibrinolysis inhibition, which are currently not adequately harnessed. The present work aims to give an account of the existing data regarding antifibrinolytics as agents influencing neuroinflammation. Preclinical and clinical studies on the possible influence of antifibrinolytics on neuroinflammation are scarce. However, the emerging evidence suggests that inhibition of plasmin(ogen) activity can ameliorate neuroinflammation to some extent. This data demonstrate that plasmin(ogen) is not exclusively involved in fibrinolysis, but also has other substrates and can precipitate in inflammatory processes. Investigation on the role of plasmin as the factor for the development of neuroinflammation shows the significant potential of antifibrinolytics as pharmacotherapy of neuroinflammationm, which is worthy of further exploration